Monday 1 November 2010

Why no bet is often the best bet

Trading is technically speaking very simple. In fact it is ridiculously easy to make a lot of money. Some people though find it extremely difficult to get the hang of. The reasons are almost always emotional lol. In particular a lack of patience. Some people seem possessed of an unquenchable thirst to be in the market doing something all the time. The thing is we need to match the type of trades we want to do with the circumstances in which to do them. If we want to be swing traders who back strong favorites when they get behind then that is what we do. We just wait for those. And they keep coming. But it is no good getting in from work, logging in, getting restless and just diving into the first thing you see because you are restless. The suicidal urge just to get into the market because of boredom or impatience is a lethal personal characteristic. If you suffer from this you need to get it under control or quit trading.

Thats it. Patience. A Zen like calm. It’s like fishing. Just wait. Then wait some more.You can train yourself into this type of patience. Each time you do it you become stronger. And once you feel the joy and benefit of receiving far higher odds than everybody else you find waiting becomes second nature. Then you are a Trading Master!

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