Thursday 4 November 2010

Monfils - Wawrinka Trade

This match was at first a clear equalizer of odds, having very similar odds, 2 for monfils and 1.98 wawrinka. I thought monfils had good chance, so i followed the following strategy:

I backed monfils at 1.98 at the begginning of the match. Odds rised up to 2.25 when monfils had disadvantage on the score, but I decided to go on as I was not meeting the maximum profit requirement exit.

Then monfils broke Wawrinka, and won his game, lowering the odds from 1.98 to 1.25, that's when I layed monfils at 1.25 making a very good profit balance, a 60%!!

Remember trading is about experience, tecqniques and most important, allways remember you trade for a cause, and a quick retirement is a victory.
Otherwise you're gambling.

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