Monday 1 November 2010

A million bucks in 10 days!

If you invest a hundred unit stake at Betfair (dollars, pounds or euros) what might you achieve? LOL. Just firing up my open office spread sheet I see that if a person achieves a modest 25% return per trade than they reach the magic 1 million mark in 42 trades. Tennis matches return 25% quite regularly and 5 to 10 matches can be traded per day quite easily. In 50 trades they have omg – over 7 million in cash! How cool is that? Must tweak my trading techniques a bit!

Seriously though this does show the importance of having a financial blueprint at the heart of your trading strategy. Why not write yours down and pin it up by your computer? Something like”My strategy gives me 10 percent of bank per trade and I do 5 trades a day”. If you are not achieving it start working on your technique. And work on those numbers till they do work for you. Good luck.

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